Knock Out: 2019 Recap
The third annual edition of Knock Out came back in full force! After having to take a year off, we could tell Knock Out was missed so much! It was amazing to be surrounded by such an uplifting community and relish in all the love around us! We spent the day hanging out at our awesome venue, Wonder Ballroom. The crowd was VERY EXCITED to see the amazing fashion from local and national designers, and shop from all our creative retailers. The Host Kim Selling was full of energy, jokes and a little sass! Sonalee Rashatwar inspired us with their experiences and kind expansive heart. The energized performance from Body Home : Fat-centric Dance Classes had us all shaking our cute booties! Many thanks to photographer, Beth Olsen, for capturing the day.
Fashion Show

Thank you to all our amazing designers, models, and MUAH team!